Order Policy

  • Before you place an order, make sure you keep a close eye upon your personal contact details and shipping information. Incorrectly submitted information may lead to wayward delivery, for which we aren’t responsible.
  • A confirmation email about your order being placed is sent on your email. But this message doesn’t justify acceptance, since further information & verification might be needed. In order to pin down the information, we will contact you via telephone or on the email address provided by you on the order sheet.
  • Once the payment for the order has been made & processed, the acceptance email will be sent in.
  • What if the product you ordered for goes out of stock before the deal could be processed? You will be notified about the same via email. You could then swap your ordered product with another or cancel the order.
  • A full refund would only be eligible for those who cancel their order within 24 hours of payment confirmation.
  • A shipped order cannot be cancelled.